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Here you are giving an example of what decision what you would do given the circumstances. This can be in past tense or in a conditional present.


If I were you, I’d quit your job.

Situation 1

I feel like my coworkers are toxic.

How long has this been going on?

For years. I can’t take it anymore.

If I were you, I’d quit your job.

Situation 2

If your boss comments on your looks, is that harassment?

It’s absolutely harassment.

He does it to all the female employees.

If I were you, I’d quit your job.


If I were you, I’d enjoy your vacation.

Situation 1

Do you like going on vacations?

I love it! I can’t get enough.

I like going somewhere but I don’t like the post vacation crash.

If I were you, I’d enjoy your vacation.

Situation 2

Do you think you can finish the project while I’m gone?

If I were you, I’d enjoy your vacation.

I’m sorry that the project deadline and my time off came at the same time.

Don’t worry.
You’ve guided us well, I’m sure we can pull through.


If I were you, I’d pace myself when I run.

Situation 1

I get so breathless after I start running.

If I were you, I’d pace myself when I run.

What kinds of things do you do?

I actually run slower in the beginning and speed up towards the end of my run.

Situation 2

Are you ready for the marathon?

I’ve been training everyday for the past few months.

If I were you, I’d pace myself when I run.

You’re right, I’ll try to remember.


If I were you, I’d try to explain the situation.

Situation 1

My wife never listens to the whole story and then gets mad.

If I were you, I’d try to explain the situation.

Like tell her to listen to the whole story?

Yes, she might not realize she’s cutting you off.

Situation 2

My boyfriend got mad because I went for drinks with my male co-workers.

If I were you, I’d try to explain the situation.

I’m worried he won’t understand.

It might be how you acted or a cultural difference.


If I were you, I’d mind my own business.

Situation 1

Hey, how much did you pay for your new car?

If I were you, I’d mind my own business.

Can’t a guy ask?

You can ask but don’t be arrogant about it.

Situation 2

So what happened to your lawsuit?

If I were you, I’d mind my own business.

I didn’t know you were so sensitive about it.

I am. So drop it.

Writer’s Note

If I were you, ➕ I would + verb

If I were you, I would get some rest.

If I were you, I would go back to school.

You can change the order of the sentence too!

I would + verb ➕ if I were you

I wouldn’t go to the doctor if I were you.

I would be careful if I were you.

Change it up and practice! 🙌 Develop and expand your conversational skills using these tips. 🫵👍

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