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Use ‘Did you say you‘ when you want to confirm to make sure something is true or correct.

Today’s Sentences


Did you say you liked wine?

Situation 1

Thanks for meeting me for dinner.

Well thank you for inviting me.
I’m so glad we could sit down and get to know each other better.

Did you say you liked wine?

I love wine.
Should we order a bottle?

Situation 2

I got you a gift from my trip to the winery.
Did you say you liked wine?

I enjoy wine very much.

I hope you like it.

This is such a thoughtful gift, thank you!
I will definitely open it on my day off this week.


Did you say you were single?

Situation 1

Have you had lunch yet?

I was thinking of taking a late lunch.

I’m meeting a friend and I thought we’d have lunch together.
Did you say you were single?

I am but I have a lot of work to do today.
Can we reschedule?

Situation 2

Did you say you were single?

Actually, I just started seeing this guy from the gym.

That’s too bad.
I wanted to introduce you to my friend.

How sweet of you to try and set us up.
But I’m currently in a relationship.


Did you say you enjoy surfing?

Situation 1

Did you say you enjoy surfing?

Yes, I go every weekend if the weather allows.

I was going to invite you to this surf club I go to.

I’d love to come and meet your friends.
It’s always nice to meet people that share the same hobby.

Situation 2

What did you do this weekend?

I went surfing with my boyfriend.
Did you say you enjoy surfing?

I did. I go a few times a month with a group of friends.

We should go together some time.


Did you say you were going camping?

Situation 1

Gosh, it’s been such a long week.

You’re telling me.
I’ve been waiting for the weekend since Monday.

What are you doing this weekend?
Did you say you were going camping?

Yes, I’m leaving right after work.

Situation 2

Did you say you were going camping?

I’m packing my gear, as we speak.

Well, have fun and don’t forget your first aid and safety gear too.

If you’re up for it, we have room for one more person.


Did you say you run in the mornings?

Situation 1

It looks like you’ve lost some weight.


Did you say you run in the mornings?

I go for a run before work three times a week.

Situation 2

Did you say you run in the mornings?

I run in the mornings on the weekend.

I get it.
It’s hard to wake up early before work.

I’m definitely not a morning person.

Writer’s Note

So how are some other ways to confirm what someone has said? Remember to be polite when you verify information with someone. Here are some phrases to help you understand and be understood.

  1. Could you repeat that?
  2. I’m afraid I don’t understand.
  3. Could you say that again?
  4. So, you mean/think/believe that …
  5. Let me see if I’ve understood you correctly. You..

Adding ‘Please’ after or before a phrase always makes the tone of what you’re saying more respectful and polite.

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