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This phrase is used to express empathy with someone’s feelings without claiming to know exactly what they are feeling. We say ‘I can’t imagine‘ because we believe that it is sensitive and respectful to another’s experience.

Today’s Sentences


I can’t imagine how busy you are.

Situation 1

Are you still at work?

Yes, I think I’ll be here for a while.

I can’t imagine how busy you are.
I hope you can squeeze in a meal.

I’m just going to grab a bit now.
I’ll call you on my way home.

Situation 2

How have you and your family been?

We’ve been doing well.
It’s been a little stressful balancing work and the kids.

I can’t imagine how busy you are.

Hopefully we can fit in a getaway when the kids go on break.


I can’t imagine how angry you felt.

Situation 1

So the environment agency never responded to my email.

Wasn’t the oil spill a serious issue?
It’s been a while.

I might have given them a call but it’s unlikely that they would have acted on it.

I can’t imagine how angry you felt and how angry the community must have been.

Situation 2

My girlfriend’s parents were against our marriage.


I think it was because of my religion.

Of all things, I can’t imagine how angry you felt.


I can’t imagine how sad you must be.

Situation 1

How are you doing?

I’m doing better.
I’m still in shock with what happened.

I can’t imagine how sad you must be.
Losing someone so special without notice, I’m so sorry.

Life goes on, I’m still adjusting to a new life but I’m sure it’ll get better over time.

Situation 2

I can’t imagine how sad you must be.

She was with me for 15 years.

My cat is 9 years old and I can’t imagine my days without her.

Pets are truly a part of our family.
They give us such comfort and love.


I can’t imagine how much you miss him.

Situation 1

Will you get another dog?

I don’t know if I really want to raise another dog yet.

I can’t imagine how much you miss him.

I have a feeling I may never recover from this sadness.

Situation 2

I can’t imagine how much you miss him.

I loved my grandfather.
We used to call him Pop Pop.

You must have been close with him.

Yes, we used to cook together and he would read books to me at night.


I can’t imagine how painful it must have been.

Situation 1

I brought you some soup.

Thank you so much.

How is your leg?
I can’t imagine how painful it must have been.

I’m doing much better.
I won’t lie though, it was really painful before the surgery.

Situation 2

How are you doing after the accident?

I’m doing much better.
I’ve been going to physiotherapy for a few months now.

I can’t imagine how painful it must have been.

Learning how to navigate with a prosthetic leg has been an obstacle.

Writer’s Note

What kind of situations have you experienced that were shocking or unbelievable? What kind of life events have you gone through that were anticipated or unanticipated? At any point in our lives, young or old, we go through certain life events that are worth celebrating and some that make us sad and grieve. We usually use the phrase ‘I can’t imagine‘ to express sympathy and give someone a chance to share their emotions.

When I lost my father to cancer, a lot of people sent their regards by saying:

  1. I can’t imagine the pain you’re going through. I’m so sorry for your loss.
  2. I can’t imagine losing a family member so suddenly. You’ll get through this.
  3. I can’t imagine losing my dad. You must be going through so much right now.
  4. I can’t imagine the weight of the situation. Please know that I’m here for you.

A phrase similar to ‘I can’t imagine’ is ‘I can only imagine‘. This phrase is used to express empathy with someone’s feelings without claiming to know exactly what they are feeling. It allows the person to share what they are feeling at the moment. When you haven’t experienced the circumstances in question, one finds the very concept beyond one’s powers of imagination.

  1. I can only imagine what you and your family are going through.
  2. I can only imagine the pain you are feeling. My thoughts go out to you.
  3. I can only imagine the shock and disbelief that you must be feeling.
  4. I can only imagine the severity of the situation.

They seem similar but it would be wise NOT to use the phrase I can only imagine regarding a death. It would be more polite and kind to express sympathy or regret through I can’t imagine.

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