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I have to admit that‘ is used to show that you confess something, even if you are embarrassed, hesitant, or reluctant to be honest.

Today’s Sentences


I have to admit that she is pretty.

Situation 1

Your kids are beautiful!
Especially your daughter.

I have to admit that she is pretty.

You must be extremely proud of them.

I am.

Situation 2

You and your wife look amazing tonight.

I have to admit that she is pretty.

It’s so great to see you two so happy.

I’m really happy that I found the one.


I have to admit that you were right.

Situation 1

Aren’t you glad that you ordered the steak?

I have to admit that you were right.

I knew you wouldn’t be happy with a salmon salad.

You know me too well.

Situation 2

Didn’t I tell you that it was dangerous?

I have to admit that you were right.

You would’ve gotten hurt if you’d bought that secondhand motorbike.

Thank goodness I decided to buy a car instead.


I have to admit that my health has improved.

Situation 1

How have you been?

I’ve been doing well.

I know you were sick a few years ago.
Are things better?

I have to admit that my health has improved.
Thank you for asking.

Situation 2

You look great! How have you been?

I have to admit that my health has improved.

That’s wonderful to hear.

I’ve been cancer-free for 6 years now.


I have to admit that these flowers are beautiful.

Situation 1

Are these for me?

Happy Birthday.

You didn’t have to.
I have to admit that these flowers are beautiful though.

I thought you’d like them.

Situation 2

Look at all these flowers!

I thought I’d decorate the house for you.

I have to admit that these flowers are beautiful.
Our home looks and smells amazing!

I hope this makes your day.


I have to admit that this sandwich is very delicious.

Situation 1

Did you make lunch for everyone at the office?

I did!
Help yourself to a sandwich!

Wow, I have to admit that this sandwich is very delicious.

Thank you.
You should have seconds!

Situation 2

Do you wanna try this sandwich I made?

I have to admit that this sandwich is very delicious.

I hope you aren’t too full before dinner.

Don’t worry, I always leave room for dinner.

Writer’s Note

Depending on the situation, to admit something means to affirm a truth or to positively confess to engaging a specific thought, statement or action.

Affirming the truth means you say ‘yes’ or to confirm that something is true. The examples given above are more like truth affirming phrases.

Another way you admit to something is if you confess to an action that you are guilty of or feel bad about. In this case, you may tell your husband that you cheated on him. You could tell your parents that you shoplifted from the mall or confess to a serious crime.

What kind of actions or thoughts can you tell us about? What have you felt bad about in the past? Let us know!

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