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Good at‘ informs someone what you excel at and are comfortable doing.

Today’s Sentences


I’m good at golf.

Situation 1

I booked a tee time.
Wanna go?

I’d love to.
I’m pretty good at golf.

Let’s go for a round then.


Situation 2

What kind of sports do you enjoy?

I’m good at golf.

I didn’t know you were a golfer.

I’ve been playing since University.


I’m good at baking.

Situation 1

What’s your hobby?

I’m good at baking so I spend my weekends in the kitchen.

I’d love to try some of your goodies.

I’m actually baking some cookies tomorrow.
Can I bring you some?

Situation 2

Wanna know something about me?

What’s that?

I’m good at baking but I’m so bad at cooking.

That’s so funny.
I love that about you!


I’m good at driving.

Situation 1

I just bought a new car!


I’m good at driving.
I’ll take you for a spin later today.

I’m in!

Situation 2

What kind of things do you enjoy doing?
Or what things are you good at?

I’m good at driving.

That’s great!
Then I recommend going on a drive to relieve some stress and enjoy the outdoors.

I guess driving could get my mind off the pressures of reality.


I’m good at drawing.

Situation 1

This artwork is amazing!

That was my final project at school.
I was told that I’m good at drawing.

You’re very talented.
You should have it framed!

Thank you for the compliment.

Situation 2

What would you like to major in?

I’m good at drawing so I was thinking I’d major in Still Life.

Great, you’d probably want to incorporate some technology skills to prepare for future employment.

That’s a good idea.
I’ll look into some programming and design courses.


I’m good at photography.

Situation 1

These photos are really nice.
Where did you buy them?

Actually, I took them. I’ve been told that I’m good at photography.
I bought some photo paper and printed some of my photographs.

What a good idea!

I can print out a few for you, if you like.

Situation 2

What kind of hobbies do you have?

I’m good at photography.
I like taking photos of people and cityscapes.

You must spend a lot on cameras and accessories.

I do.
I must have a trunk full of cameras, lenses, and accessories.

Writer’s Note

Let’s explore ‘good at‘ and ‘good in‘.

Good at‘ means you are skillful in your abilities at something. As reviewed in the examples above:

  1. I’m good at golf
  2. I’m good at baking
  3. I’m good at driving
  4. I’m good at drawing
  5. I’m good at photography.

When ‘good in‘ is used before a noun, it describes being skilled in a specific field or subject.

  1. He’s good in maths.
  2. She’s good in stressful situations.
  3. The team is good in high intensity competitions.
  4. Vanilla is good in all sorts of baked goods.
  5. He’s very good in his field of work.

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