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If someone says ‘I’m not used to‘ it’s a feeling of not being familiar or comfortable with something.

Today’s Sentences


I’m not used to sleeping early.

Situation 1

It’s only 9pm?

I think I might go to bed soon.

I’m not used to sleeping early.
Are you tired?

I pulled a few all-nighters and it must’ve caught up to me.

Situation 2

I’m not used to sleeping early.

What time do you usually go to bed?

I’m in bed around 2am.

That’s really late.
No wonder you’re always tired.


I’m not used to kiosk ordering.

Situation 1

Are you good at using these at all?
I’m not used to kiosk ordering.

Here let me help you.

Do I select here?

Yea, you’re doing great!

Situation 2

Is it just me or is this machine trying to make me angry.

It seems like a lot of places are switching to these kiosks.

I’m not used to kiosk ordering.

You’re supposed to follow the instructions but these screens are so big.
I never know where to look.


I’m not used to eating healthy.

Situation 1

Look at all this food!
I’m not used to eating healthy.

I was like that too.
But I found that adding extra flavor helped me enjoy healthy food.

I’ll take your advice into consideration!
Today will be a learning experience for me.

I’ve got a lot of different sauces so you definitely won’t be bored with all this fresh food.

Situation 2

I’m not used to eating healthy.

What do your meals look like?

I eat a lot of processed and fried food.

I have to agree that those kinds of foods are tasty.
But they wreak havoc on your health.


I’m not used to speaking English.

Situation 1

Hey, do you think I can have your number?

Sorry, I’m not used to speaking English.

That’s ok.
I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are.

Ok here’s my number, give me a call some time.

Situation 2

We’re going for lunch, would you like to join us?

Sure, but I’m not used to speaking English.

We’re all English learners here.
I run the speaking group, come and eat with us!



I’m not used to large crowds of people.

Situation 1

Are you going to the music festival this weekend?

I bought tickets but I’m not used to large crowds of people.

Do you get uncomfortable?

Yea, on so many levels.

Situation 2

I’m not used to large crowds of people.

Why not?

I just prefer a smaller group of friends who interact with good conversation.

I get it.

Writer’s Note

What kinds of activities are you NOT used to? I’ve been consistently running these past few months and it has been a struggle. The mix of living in a hot and humid city plus being an inactive person caused all sorts of obstacles in my attempt to run. But I realized that you can feel unfamiliar with something and have it turn out to be a really fun and positive part in your life. Share your personal stories of what sorts of things you weren’t used to but turned out to be super fun and great.

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