The phrase It’s good to is used to express positivity towards a situation or activity.
Today’s Sentences
- It’s good to learn English.
- It’s good to listen to others.
- It’s good to speak your mind.
- It’s good to help those in need.
- It’s good to love your neighbor.
- Writer’s Note
It’s good to learn English.
Situation 1
It’s good to learn English.
Why do you think so?
Well, you can communicate with people all around the world.
I guess that’s a good reason to study English.
Situation 2
Should I learn a new language?
Of course.
It’s good to learn English.
Why English?
Did you know that learning English helps your job prospects and career skills?
You can even compete in the global job market.
It’s good to listen to others.
Situation 1
What kind of quality do you look at when you’re on a date?
It’s good to listen to others.
So I look to see if they listen without interrupting.
I hate it when people interrupt.
I find people cut me off when they have so much to say.
It’s very rude.
Situation 2
Thanks for listening.
You’re so empathetic.
Well, it’s good to listen to others.
It helps me understand you and exposes me to different perspectives.
That’s true.
I should try to foster a good listening ear.
I think it’s all about awareness and being attentive.
It’s good to speak your mind.
Situation 1
It’s good to speak your mind.
But sometimes it seems like if you speak your mind you undergo backlash.
That’s true.
But don’t seek validation from others.
I guess speaking your mind is about intellectual independence.
Situation 2
Why are people so vocal about their perspectives?
It’s good to speak your mind.
But not everyone shares the same views.
That’s right, we all have different perspectives.
But never back down from voicing your stance on a topic.
It’s good to help those in need.
Situation 1
I’m going to the hospital.
Why do you visit the hospital every month?
It’s good to help those in need.
NICU needs help caring for new babies.
That’s really sweet of you to help them adjust to life.
Situation 2
Is everything okay?
I’m just having a bad day.
These children are giving me an extra hard time today.
Hey, it’s good to help those in need.
These kids need your help and you’re doing an amazing job.
Working with special needs children is really rewarding.
But some days are easier than others.
It’s good to love your neighbor.
Situation 1
What are you up to?
I just finished cutting the grass and thought I’d do the lawn next door as well.
It’s good to love your neighbor.
That’s a nice gesture.
It was no problem.
They’re always so grateful when I do their lawn.
Situation 2
Do you know that saying, ‘Treat others as you would like to be treated’?
I learned that phrase when I was younger.
Treating others with respect reflects a person’s character and true value.
You’re right.
It’s good to love your neighbor and treat others with kindness.
Writer’s Note
When you use It’s good to, someone is expressing a positive thought or emotion towards something.
- It’s good to give it a try.
- It’s good to sit upright.
- It’s good to eat healthy.
- It’s good to sleep earlier.
- It’s good to be kind to others.
- It’s good to exercise regularly.
- It’s good to watch TV at a distance.
- It’s good to meditate when you’ve got a lot on your mind.
How about you? What kind of positive suggestions do you give others? What kind of acts do you consider to be constructive or effective?
If you’re reading this post, you’ve come a long way! Good for you, cheers! 🫶