I’ve noticed that means to become aware of or see something or someone.
Today’s Sentences
- I’ve noticed that he loves her very much.
- I’ve noticed that the flowers are blooming.
- I’ve noticed that you’ve changed your hair.
- I’ve noticed that you’re wearing a new dress.
- I’ve noticed that she drinks coffee in the morning.
- Writer’s Note
I’ve noticed that he loves her very much.
Situation 1
How have you been since your daughter was born?
I feel back to normal now.
My husband just melts when he sees her.
I’ve noticed that he loves her very much.
He does.
We’re both really happy.
Situation 2
I’ve noticed that he loves her very much.
He’s absolutely in love.
I’ve never seen him happier.
Will you be going to their wedding in June?
Yes, I’m planning to attend.
I’ve noticed that the flowers are blooming.
Situation 1
Isn’t the weather beautiful today?
I’ve noticed that the flowers are blooming.
It definitely feels like spring.
I think we should go for walks during lunch to enjoy the spring season.
Situation 2
Have you finished your lunch?
Join me for a walk.
Sure, I’d love to.
The weather is getting warmer.
I’ve noticed that the flowers are blooming.
Yea, it feels like it turned into spring overnight.
I’ve noticed that you’ve changed your hair.
Situation 1
You look different!
What could it be.
I’ve noticed that you’ve changed your hair.
That’s right! I dyed my hair the other day.
Thanks for noticing.
Situation 2
I’ve noticed that you’ve changed your hair.
Thank you for noticing.
I got a fresh new cut and color last week.
It looks great on you!
Thanks for the compliment.
You made my day!
I’ve noticed that you’re wearing a new dress.
Situation 1
Are you going somewhere tonight?
Why do you ask?
I’ve noticed that you’re wearing a new dress.
I’m actually going on a blind date right after work.
Situation 2
I’ve noticed that you’re wearing a new dress.
Thank you.
It looks great on you.
You can never go wrong with a little black dress.
I agree.
Classic black is always my default when I’m unsure.
I’ve noticed that she drinks coffee in the morning.
Situation 1
Do you know where Jessie is?
I’ve noticed that she drinks coffee in the morning.
She might be in the break room.
Maybe I’ll just wait until she gets back to her desk.
I can let her know that you were looking for her, if you’re busy.
Situation 2
I wonder where Charlotte went.
I’ve noticed that she drinks coffee in the morning.
Should we go to the campus cafe and meet up with her?
I could do with a cup of coffee right now.
Writer’s Note
Did you know that I noticed refers to a specific moment in time. It is used in the present tense and expresses a current observation or realization. I have noticed is used to explain an extended amount of time perhaps in the past and potentially in the future.
Let’s look at some I notice/I noticed examples:
- I notice that the sun is beginning to set.
- Do you notice that she hasn’t been into work for the past week?
- Would he notice if I wore a different outfit?
- I noticed that you were crying earlier.
- I just wanted to thank you since you noticed my coffee was on top of my car.
So fellow⭐Welling-ers⭐ there you have it! Now you can use I’ve noticed that and I noticed in a casually or professional setting. Practice with your friends and family so that you are confident and comfortable using it in new settings.