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We ask ‘What makes you‘ when we want information about something. This question asks about information using WH-.

Today’s Sentences


What makes you sad?

Situation 1

What makes you sad?

I feel sad when I realize I can’t relive joyous moments.

You’re right.
We can never relive those precious and happy moments.

I guess that’s why it’s important to be grateful for the moments that are granted to us.

Situation 2

What makes you sad?

I get sad when people are treated unfairly or aren’t given equal opportunities.

I agree.
It seems like people treat others just as poorly as before.

I get sad because there’s so little that I can do.


What makes you happy?

Situation 1

What makes you happy?

Seeing my family smile and laugh makes me really happy.

I love seeing that too.

I wish life was only filled with things to laugh about but that isn’t always the case.

Situation 2

What makes you happy?

Traveling and eating good food makes me happy.

I think getting my paycheck makes me happy.

I can relate to those feelings.
Having money really does make doing the things you want to a little easier.


What makes you angry?

Situation 1

What makes you angry?

I feel anger when I feel like I’m being unheard.
When my voice or opinion doesn’t count.

I feel angry when my family ignores my accomplishments.

I completely understand how you feel.

Situation 2

What makes you angry?

Horrible drivers make me angry.


Well, they not only put theirselves in danger but they put others at serious risk.
It makes me so angry.


What makes you jealous?

Situation 1

What makes you jealous?

When my boyfriend spends time with his female friends.

They’re just friends, aren’t they?

Knowing that, I still get kinda jealous.
I guess I just want him all to myself.

Situation 2

What makes you jealous?

I feel jealousy when my parents favor one child over the other.

I have the same family dynamic in my household as well.

It’s really frustrating and makes me angry.


What makes you sleepy?

Situation 1

What makes you sleepy?

The sun?


Something about the mix of excessive heat and the blazing sun makes me feel tired.

Situation 2

What makes you sleepy?

Eating a lot of carbs makes me sleepy.

Are you less tired when you cut out carbs from your diet?

I am much less sleepy when I have a more balanced diet.

Writer’s Note

Have you ever been asked ‘What makes you, you?‘ means that the person asking this question wants to know who you are. They want to know what is unique about you.

  1. What makes you unique and special?
  2. What do you value in life?
  3. Where/Who do you place importance in your life?
  4. What/Who brings you true joy?
  5. What is your purpose in life?

I think my family and extended family make me special. Their culture and values, the important dates that we chose to celebrate together also make me who I am. Life is full of great moments but I believe the disappointments and sad moments made me who I am today. These all made me more compassionate, understanding, patient, and attentive to my surroundings. It has served me well for the most part, but as with all things, there are pros and cons to having these traits. Lastly, I feel like I haven’t found my purpose in life. But in a way, that’s okay too. I wonder if I was put on this earth to show others how to love and care for each other. To be encouraging and a positive light to others.

So tell me about yourself! What makes you unique? What made you visit Welling? What brought you to this point, reading my post?

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