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I didn’t mean to is used to express regret or apology for something that the person did or said unintentionally. The action or words made by someone may have caused harm or offense, but did not intend for this to happen. It’s usually part of a longer apology.

Today’s Sentences


I didn’t mean to make a mess.

Situation 1

Look at this room!

I didn’t mean to make a mess.

That’s okay.
Just remember to clean up after you’re done.

Of course!

Situation 2

What happened to the walls?

I didn’t mean to make a mess.

A mess?
This is a disaster!

I’ll clean it up as soon as I’m done painting.


I didn’t mean to crash the car.

Situation 1

What happened to your hair?

Well, I got in an accident.

Like a fight?

No, a car accident.
I didn’t mean to crash the car.

Situation 2

I came as soon as I could.
Are you okay?

I didn’t mean to crash the car.
Another car collided into me and I hit the car that was in front.

Oh gosh, are you hurt?
Should we go to the hospital?

No, I’m totally fine.
We have to wait for the police and insurance company.


I didn’t mean to call you so late.

Situation 1

Are you still up?

I was about to go to bed.

I didn’t mean to call you so late.
I just wanted to talk about our conversation earlier.

Do you think we can talk about it tomorrow?

Situation 2

I didn’t mean to call you so late.

That’s okay.
Is everything alright?

No, I need your help.
Do you think you can come over?

I’ll be there in 20 minutes.


I didn’t mean to break the window.

Situation 1

Hey, did you do this?

I didn’t mean to break the window.

I’ll let it go if you sincerely apologize.

I’m so sorry I broke your window.
I’ll help fix the window with my allowance money.

Situation 2

I didn’t mean to break the window, I’m sorry.

What were you thinking?

Some guy tried to rob me so I grabbed my bag and it hit your window.
I’ll pay for the damages.

You’d better.
I’m really upset!


I didn’t mean to forget your birthday.

Situation 1

How was your day?

Well, it was sad and lonely.

I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to forget your birthday.

How could you forget this day of all days?

Situation 2

What day is it today?

It’s the 15th.

Oh my god, your birthday was a week ago!
I didn’t mean to forget your birthday.

I was wondering when you’d remember.
Thanks a lot.

Writer’s Note

When you use the phrase I didn’t mean to, you are informing someone that you did something you regret or are sorry for. It can be an unintended physical, verbal, or mental action. Here are a few more phrases that may come from negative or problematic situations.

  1. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
  2. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.
  3. I didn’t mean to cause trouble.
  4. I didn’t mean to leave you out.
  5. I didn’t mean to plagiarize.
  6. I didn’t mean to lie.

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