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I heard about‘ refers to receiving new information or learning about specific news that you didn’t know about beforehand. It may suggest that you have received information or details regarding a subject.

Today’s Sentences


I heard about the party.

Situation 1

How was your weekend?
I heard about the party.

It was really fun, too bad you couldn’t come.

I had a prior engagement so I couldn’t make it.

I’m hosting another event soon, I’ll remember to invite you.

Situation 2

Happy belated birthday!


I heard about the party.
I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it.

That’s ok.
It wasn’t the same without you but it was a beautiful party nonetheless.


I heard about their fight.

Situation 1

Is everything ok at home?

I feel like I’m walking on glass.

I heard about their fight.

They’ve been at it all week.

Situation 2

I heard about their fight.

The last punch was victory.

I wish I could’ve seen it.

I’m sure you can catch the highlights tonight.


I heard about your award.

Situation 1

I heard about your award.

I’ve been training for many years.

You must’ve gone through so much sweat and tears before this achievement.

I did.
Thank you for the kind words.

Situation 2

Cheers to your achievement.
I heard about your award!

Thank you.
I’m really excited to receive it.

I know all the work that went into this moment.

Thanks for your acknowledgment.
It means a lot.


I heard about the concert.

Situation 1

I had the best weekend ever!

I heard about the concert.
How was it?

It was amazing!
The venue and acoustics were spot on.

I’d love to see them next time they come to perform.

Situation 2

I heard about the concert!

It was really fun, I had a good time.

Would you go see them again?

I definitely would!


I heard about his accident.

Situation 1

Is your brother ok?

He’s at the hospital and has a cast on his left leg.
But it seems like he’ll be fine.

I’m so glad to hear that it isn’t too serious.

Thank goodness.
He had us all scared for a bit.

Situation 2

I heard about his accident.

He’s in the hospital right now.

Oh no, I didn’t know it was that serious.

He’s just getting some tests done to make sure nothing is wrong.

Writer’s Note

Since we’ve looked some ‘heard about’ examples, let’s try to practice ‘heard of‘.

When you use ‘Heard of‘, it means you are becoming aware of someone/something’s existence. Also, to receive news about someone/something. *Remember that heard is the past tense of hear.*

  1. I heard of a job opening at the company and I’m here for an interview.
  2. I’ve never heard of this band. What genre do they play?
  3. Has she heard of a prenatal chiropractic adjustment? It helped me with back pain when I was pregnant.
  4. My son looked into a private investigator but he’s never heard of the one you recommended.
  5. I love browsing new skincare but I’ve never heard of this brand.
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