It’s a great time to means that it’s the right moment to do something or for something to happen.
Today’s Sentences
- It’s a great time to leave.
- It’s a great time to invest.
- It’s a great time to get a dog.
- It’s a great time to eat seafood.
- It’s a great time to buy a house.
- Writer’s Note
It’s a great time to leave.
Situation 1
This party was so much fun.
And now that the sun is coming up, it’s a great time to leave.
What a long night.
I had fun too.
Honestly, I can’t wait for the next one!
Situation 2
Can I buy you a drink?
Actually, I’m here with someone.
But, thank you.
Come on.
Let me buy you a drink.
Since you’re not respecting my space, I think it’s a great time to leave.
It’s a great time to invest.
Situation 1
I’ve got some supplemental income coming in over the next few months.
Well, it’s a great time to invest.
What would you invest in, stocks or gold?
If you’re willing to take on a little more risk, then stocks may be a better option. It’s a powerful way to grow your wealth over time.
Situation 2
We’re looking at houses in this area.
Housing prices have fallen a great deal this year.
Meaning that it’s a great time to invest.
We’re looking at homes with a view of the park and schools nearby.
I can show you a few houses that are on the market.
I feel more joy since I’ve learned to slow down.
It’s a great time to get a dog.
Situation 1
Look at all these treats and accessories!
It’s a great time to get a dog.
Seriously, it seems like dogs are living the life!
They’re treated better than humans.
No doubt, I think they deserve it.
Situation 2
Are you looking for a certain breed?
Feel free to get to know our animals.
Sure, I just stopped by to take a look at your puppies.
It’s a great time to get a dog.
The weather has just turned into warm spring.
I think so too.
Look! This little guy is adorable.
It’s a great time to eat seafood.
Situation 1
So what do you feel like having?
We always eat the same food.
Should we try something different?
Since we usually have meaty dishes, how about seafood?
It’s a great time to eat seafood at this time of year.
Situation 2
It’s a great time to eat seafood.
Is it?
How do you know?
Well, back in the day, fishermen used to say that the best time to eat seafood is through September and April.
I didn’t know that.
It must’ve been at a time when refrigeration or canned food wasn’t so readily available.
It’s a great time to buy a house.
Situation 1
Look at all the ‘For Sale’ signs around here.
Actually, it’s a great time to buy a house.
We’re definitely at an advantage.
The housing market crash is a profitable investment for home buyers.
Situation 2
What do you want to do this weekend?
I wanna go see some open houses.
It’s a great time to buy a house.
Should we call a few real estate brokers?
Do you know any brokers?
I’d love to go see some newly built homes uptown.
Writer’s Note
Our post is about how to use It’s a great time. It pretty much refers to a particularly opportune or excellent moment for something to happen. When you see the word ‘time’ you probably assume that the sentence would refer to a specific point in time. You’re absolutely correct!
It’s a great time is very similar in meaning to It’s a good idea. Essentially, great time focuses on the timing being ideal, while good idea focuses on the concept itself being positive.
- It’s a great time to upgrade your software.
It’s a good idea to upgrade your software. - It’s a great time to invest in gold.
It’s a good idea to invest in gold. - It’s a great time to start intermittent fasting.
It’s a good idea to start intermittent fasting. - It’s a great time to renovate the kitchen.
It’s a good idea to renovate the kitchen. - It’s a great time to visit the salon for a haircut.
It’s a good idea to visit the salon for a haircut.
Do you see the similarities and the slight differences in meaning? Can you replace It’s a good idea to in the situations given above? Give it a try!
To summarize:
Good idea: Indicates a positive suggestion or plan with merit.
Great time: Emphasizes the current moment being perfect for an action.
It’s a great time to love.
It’s a great time to buy new car.
It’s a great time to study English.
It’s a great time to save money.
It’s a great time to sell your items.
Hello Hew,
Thanks for leaving us a message.
Your sentences look great, by the way!
If there’s one thing to improve, it would be the second sentence.
‘It’s a great time to buy a new car’.
The phrase ‘a new car’ uses the words new and car as an adjective and a countable noun.
Hope that helps you out. Great job!