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  1. To pay a brief, casual, and usually unannounced visit to someone or somewhere.

Today’s Sentences


Drop by anytime.


Thanks for hosting dinner.

It was nice to catch up over food and drinks.

Let’s plan another evening together!

Drop by anytime!


I thought I’d drop by.


I noticed that you just moved in.

Yes, we’re still unpacking.

I thought I’d drop by.
I baked a pie to welcome you.

That’s so sweet!
Thank you for coming to say hi.

Writer’s Note

Places you may drop by refers to locations you might make a quick, casual visit to, usually for a brief chat or to pick up something without needing to plan ahead. These places could be a friend’s house, a local coffee shop, the grocery store on the way home, a coworker’s desk, a nearby park, a bakery for a treat, or a community center depending on your routine and where you are located.

Drop by is a phrasal verb that can be used as either an intransitive or transitive verb. The intransitive and intransitive verb means to make a brief, casual visit without a specific invitation.

Example for drop by (intransitive):
Could you drop by the store for eggs?

Example for drop by (transitive):
Remember that you’re welcome to drop by any time.

Come by, drop in, call, call in, pop in, step in, visit, pay a brief visit.

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