- To produce or emit something, like a smell, heat, light, or a particular feeling or impression.
- Something being emitted or sent out into the surrounding area.
Today’s Sentences
She gives off a confident attitude.
She’s such an amazing person.
What do you like about her so much?
She gives off a confident attitude.
I can see that.
It’s an attractive quality.
The flowers give off a pleasant fragrance.
Thank you for the beautiful bouquet!
I passed them on my way over and couldn’t resist getting them for you.
The flowers give off a pleasant fragrance.
They’re lovely!
I’m glad you like them.
Writer’s Note
The phrasal verb ‘give off’ means to produce or release something but can also be used more figuratively, to describe conveying a certain impression, mood or vibe. Let’s go over what type of phrasal verb we’re dealing with and a few examples.
- Separable: An object can come between the verb and the particle ‘off’ or after the particle.
Example: The engine gave the exhaust fumes off quickly. - Transitive: A direct object is required to complete its meaning. The direct object is what is being emitted or produced.
Example 1: The lamp gives off a lot of light.
Example 2: He gives off an overconfident arrogant vibe. - Synonyms: Emit, release, discharge, exude, radiate, send out, emanate, convey, project, display, manifest